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- E - Business Solutions

"E-Business" is a generic term for all types of business transactions carried out electronically. Essentially it is about putting your business on the internet - ideally this includes the entire business process!

The Internet offers many benefits as a channel for sales and marketing. Probably the most well publicised of these is that the Internet store is always open!

Furthermore, Internet sales are less costly to fulfil for they do not tie up sales staff on the phone and automated order entry means there are fewer errors.

Online shopping in the UK is predicted to exceed £10 billion this year, according to NOP's Internet User Profile Survey, which found more than 10 million of the Web's regular 12 million users had shopped online in the four weeks before Christmas, a three-fold increase over the same period in 1998. NOP estimates that British consumers spent £3.2 billion online in 1999.

The market for e-business integration is forecast to hit well over £100 billion by 2004 and year over year growth exceeding 50%. MHz can assist your company in exploiting the opportunity this growth provides, ensuring high level security at all times. Don't miss out on expanding your company and increasing your profits. Contact us now.

Such statistics serve astonishingly well to highlight the growth of the Internet. The Internet is truly becoming the platform for tomorrow's commerce.

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